"Got a scar while punishing Pheasantchill, in the name of Shardstar",
"Got a scar while punishing Katy, in the name of Shardstar"
""were bit by a venomous spider",
"defended Mouseshine from a fox",
"were bit by a venomous spider",
"failed to interpret a warning from StarClan",
"were struck by lightning""
""Pheasantchill challenged Shardstar, was punished by Mouseshine and got a scar as memory of their actions.",
"Got a scar while punishing Keiko, in the name of Shardstar""
" "Got a scar while punishing Teaselghost, in the name of Shardstar",
"Umberspots challenged Shardstar, was punished by Willowbuzz and got a scar as memory of their actions.""